Monday, May 07, 2007

Girls Night

So, this past Saturday I got together with eight other women from the book group I belong to. As I've mentioned previously, I refer to this gang as our 'splinter cell' as we are a smaller group that has broken away from the main gaggle of bookies. It is an interesting and eclectic mix of personalities and we always have a laugh-riot! On Saturday we met for take-out and games night and it was great fun, except for one slight glitch. At one point during dinner one of the girls shared some information that was just way to personal. We all get along great, but we are by no means best friends and are still in the stages of getting to know one another. The information that was shared was just so over the top that, in discussing this moment with two other girls after the fact (one of whom is a very close friend), one stated "Well, that really crossed a line!" Now, this isn't something that will affect our getting together, however it is the kind of tidbit of information that makes you look at the person just ever so differently. I don't know if I am just being weird, and when it happened I wasn't clear on whether I was the only one who thought her comments really odd. Afterwards I was told I was not alone in my feelings and that quite a few girls were really uncomfortable with the revelation! I know you are probably wondering what was said, but I am not going to repeat it, sorry! Anyway, I have put this one down to attention seeking behaviour (to which she is prone) of a new level! Our May book is Cloudstreet by Australian writer Tim Winton. I haven't started it yet as I was reading A Boy of Good Breeding, but will start it tomorrow.


1 comment:

La- said...

Look at you.. posting up a storm now! I know that feeling when someone just "blurts out" something and you are like.. now whoa there nelly!! LOL

I need to check out the books you are reading. I am just about done with A Thousand Acres- by Jane Smiley- my semi-yearly Pulitzer! LOL Not sure how I feel about it yet.
