Sunday, February 25, 2007

February Blahs!

I have been dragging my butt for a week now and just can't seem to shake the winter blahs. Truth be told, I do have lupus and that has been making me feel pretty lousy lately, that and the fact that I took a spectacular fall down the stairs last week and somehow managed to bruise my liver and spleen! Who knew!! I guess it's safe to say that I am a mess all around! Oh well, on the upside, which I can always find, it's a great reason to curl up and read so I have been doing a lot of that lately. I have to admit that some of the reading has involved flipping magazine pages (that takes such little effort) but I did finish reading "The Stone Angel" by Margaret Laurence. I have to start reading "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer soon as that is the next one up with my book group. I did read it last year, but will go through it again before our March meeting. I also have a strategy session coming up this week that I have been trying to get ready for. I am on a committee with Lupus Canada and at the moment we are working to grow one of the national campaigns that happens each October. The committee members are mostly in Ontario, with the exception of one member in British Columbia. Up to this point, our planning has happened through conference calls and email, so this will be the first time we are all meeting in person. I am pretty excited and also hopeful that our strategy session will be very productive! I'll have to get that dragging butt in gear before Friday!


La- said...

Dang girl... amazing we found each other's blog- a few months ago I fell down my stairs TWICE in two weeks!! Talk about klutz! But is sounds like you had way more serious injuries than my bruises and bumped pride!

I only read one 1/2 books in Feb- been slacking.. and that darn TV will waste away all kinds of time! LOL

I am making pretty good progress today though on "Guenevere, Queen of the Summer Country" by Rosalind Miles and I have "a Thousand Acres" Jame Smiley up on deck... my quarterly Pulizter winner...

Have a super week and hope your strategy meeting goes well!

La- said...

ok now you are blog slacking! LOL Hope you are having a wonderful spring!