Friday, February 09, 2007

Books on My Nightstand

Along with an unruly list of books I would like to read, I also have a pile of books on my night table and dresser just waiting to be read. At the moment I have the following titles in queue: "Reading Like a Writer" by Francine Prose; "Life's Great Lessons" by Hal Urban; "Three Views of Crystal Water" by Katherine Govier; "The Turning" by Tim Winton; "Finding Lily" by Richard Clewes; "Three Day Road" by Joseph Boyden; "A Boy of Good Breeding" by Miriam Toews; "The Birth House" by Ami McKay; "Eat, Shoots and Leaves" by Lynn Truss; "Break No Bones" by Kathy Reichs and "The Stone Angel" by Margaret Laurence. That doesn't even include the titles on my bookshelf that I still have yet to read. So many little time. I just love books so much, but between the library books I take out, the gift books I receive and the books I buy for myself, I'm swamped! I put off reading some for a number of reasons. For example - Finding Lily and Three Views of Crystal Water. I met the two authors at an event in the fall and they were so lovely to spend quite a bit of time talking to me about writing. I am now afraid to pick up their works because I don't want the charm to wear off! Another book - The Birth House - I am hesitant to read because I want to so much and don't want to be disappointed! I still have a couple of titles on my bookshelf from Christmas 2005 that I have yet to get to. The last book on my list above is actually a re-read. We studied The Stone Angel in high school and it is a book I want to read again now that I am older, and have what they call perspective! :) I just remember thinking (while we were studying it a way back when) that I should come back to this book when I am older. Well, I'm older now and looking forward to reading it again. As always, I would welcome any discussion or comments on books you are reading or have read.

1 comment:

La- said...

I Have a pile of books to read too. But they are in the other room and I am too lazy to get up and pull up the titles.. but the pile is getting too small- I think I need a little piling up to happen.. where in the world did I put that Borders Book Store gift certificate anyway?
